Friday, 9 September 2011
" The Voice in Silence "
Silence your body to listen to your words...
Silence your tongue to listen to your thoughts...
Silence your thoughts to listen to your heart beating...
Silence your heart to listen to your spirit...
Silence your spirit you listen to His Spirit.
In silence you leave many and be with the One....!
“When you follow the dream in you heart, you’re energised, inspired, and motivated.”
Be inspire
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Greater Self-Confidence in 5 Steps
Are there times when you doubt yourself and your abilities? Have you missed out on opportunities because you felt you were not talented enough, lacked education or felt unattractive?.
Time and time again, I coach people who have lots of talent and wonderful ability, yet for various reasons they are filled with self-doubt. They give up on their dreams, settle for less and become stuck in a rut due to lack of self-confidence. It is no wonder that those who lack self-confidence are less adventurous, get less out of life and always underachieve.
Having self-confidence is crucial to living a fulfilling life. It influences your success at work, your relationships with others and your performance in everything you do. Confident people have faith in themselves and their abilities and they believe that that they can have the best in life.
The good news is that confidence is a skill, it can be learned, and just like driving a car, it can become a habit. As you know, we don't even have to think about our habits as they are part of us.
Apply the following 5 steps to greater self-confidence and you'll soon notice positive changes:
Step 1 - Decide to Become Self-Confident
Write out the answer to the following two questions:
- What would your life be like if you were confident?
- What would self-confidence mean to you?
Based on your answers make a decision today to invest your time, effort and money in becoming self-confident. Read books about self-confidence, listen to confidence building audios, attend confidence building workshops and consult with a coach who specialises in confidence coaching.
Step 2 -Become More Self-AwareLearn to develop an awareness of your unique individuality. When you know and understand yourself at a deeper level, you will have greater control over your thoughts, feelings and attitudes which in turn will help you build greater self-confidence.
Step 3 -Act with Confidence
If you want to feel confident; act with confidence. When you think confidently, walk confidently and talk confidently, it will easily and effortlessly become natural for you to be confident.
Step 4 -Use your Imagination
When you use your imagination to visualise yourself being confident, you are impressing very powerful images onto your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind stores images and the more you visualise yourself being confident the more it becomes part of our life. Whenever your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it immediately begins to execute it.
Step 5 - Believe in Yourself
It is not your actual abilities that determine what you can achieve but your belief in them. It is essential that you let go of limiting beliefs that hinder your progress and develop empowering ones that assist your development. Often we are like the fish that does not even realise it is in water. When you work with a coach you will identify and eliminate those limiting beliefs that hinder your progress.
In order to achieve what you want in life, you must develop your self-confidence. Begin today to create a new and confident you that uses and values your talents and creates the life you want. Break free from self-doubt and learn to trust in yourself and your abilities. With greater self-confidence, you will feel inner strength, greater happiness and much more fulfilled. Begin today to sow the seeds of confidence and you will be amazed with the results and positive effects that ripple through all areas of your life.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Waterpark safety is a partnership between parents and parks. Parents should always directly supervise their children, especially if children are young or weak swimmers. Below are a few tips to keep in mind when visiting a waterpark.
- Children under 48", non-swimmers, and weak swimmers should wear a Coast Guard approved life vest while enjoying waterpark attractions. Bring your own if you are unsure of availability and fit.
- Dress appropriately, including water shoes, a hat, and loose shirt for when you’ve had enough sun. Monitor how much sun children, especially toddlers, are exposed to.
- Apply waterproof sunscreen before leaving home (reapply throughout the day) and drink plenty of fluids (avoid beverages with sweetners or with caffeine).
- Children in diapers should be dressed in waterproof swim diapers to minimize leakage. Change diapers only in designated changing areas.
- Read the signs at every waterpark attraction and listen to all audio instructions provided by recordings or staff. Obey all rules and experience-level guidelines.
- Follow the lifeguards’ instructions and signal them if you see someone in trouble.
- Like visits to amusement parks and attractions designating a meeting place is always smart in the instance some one is separated from your party. The buddy system is an excellent way to ensure no children are left alone.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. recommends all swimmers be vigilant in following three basic guidelines to prevent disease transmission:
- Do not swim if you have diarrhea. This is especially important for children in diapers.
- Do not swallow the pool water. Try to avoid getting water in your mouth if possible.
- Practice good hygiene and shower before swimming. Also, wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet or changing diapers.
In addition to these steps, these additional recommendations for parents with young children:
- Take your children to the bathroom often throughout the day.
- Change diapers in a bathroom and away from the pool. Germs can be spread from objects around the pool.
- Learn to swim. The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim.
-Be sure the area is well supervised by lifeguards before you or others in your group enter the water.
-When you go from one attraction to another, note that the water depth may be different and that the attraction should be used in a different way.
-Before you start down a water slide, get in the correct position—face up and feet first.
-Never put a crying or tired child on a ride. When kids are stressed, so are parents...and that's when accidents happen. Be sensitive to your child's limits. Know when it's time to call it a day and you'll all have a wonderful time.
Tie long hair back. Similarly, avoid long necklaces, purses with long straps, and anything that could easily be caught in equipment...!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
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Sunday, 27 March 2011
Self Confidence...!
5 Steps For Building Self Confidence.
Almost everyone wants to build self confidence.Self confidence is like a bank account,you need to make regular deposits into it to keep it growing.
Here are 5 great tips that you can start using immediately.
1.Focus on Your strengths.
Self Confidence means freedom from self -doubt.People who have a lot of Self-confidence focus on what their strengths are ,not on what they can,t do.Everyone has weaknesses ,but the difference is that everyone dwells on them.Make a list of your strengths today and focus on things you do well.
2.Set Goals.
Having achievable goals is a quick way to become more self confident.Having goals give you a sense of purpose and by achieving those goals over time you will gain self confidence.
If you don,t have written goals,start today.There are many great programs on goal setting available in book stores or available online.
It is fact that you can,t feel depressed when you are smiling .In fact in one study done a group of people who were depressed were told to smile in a mirror for only a few minutes a days.The results were amazing.Most of the people improved how they felt.
4.Change your posture.
Picture in your mind someone who looks depressed.That pictures likely shows someone who has hunched over shoulders and a sad expression on their face.Now picture someone who has a high level of self confidence.That picture probably shows someone sitting straight up and a bright smile on their face.Just by changing your posture you can improve your emotional state.
5.Be Grateful.
Being in a state of gratefulness is another way to belt self-Confidence.Everyone ,no matter how bad their situation can find something to be grateful for in their lives.By being grateful and focusing on the good things in your life you can improve your outlook,spend some time every morning when you wake up being grateful for what you have and your whole day will better.
As you can see building self-confidence come down to your mind and how you think .Having all the self confidence you want is within you right now,if you just change the way you think.
Start today and use at least one of these tips and you will see and feel a difference in your life.
Almost everyone wants to build self confidence.Self confidence is like a bank account,you need to make regular deposits into it to keep it growing.
Here are 5 great tips that you can start using immediately.
1.Focus on Your strengths.
Self Confidence means freedom from self -doubt.People who have a lot of Self-confidence focus on what their strengths are ,not on what they can,t do.Everyone has weaknesses ,but the difference is that everyone dwells on them.Make a list of your strengths today and focus on things you do well.
2.Set Goals.
Having achievable goals is a quick way to become more self confident.Having goals give you a sense of purpose and by achieving those goals over time you will gain self confidence.
If you don,t have written goals,start today.There are many great programs on goal setting available in book stores or available online.
It is fact that you can,t feel depressed when you are smiling .In fact in one study done a group of people who were depressed were told to smile in a mirror for only a few minutes a days.The results were amazing.Most of the people improved how they felt.
4.Change your posture.
Picture in your mind someone who looks depressed.That pictures likely shows someone who has hunched over shoulders and a sad expression on their face.Now picture someone who has a high level of self confidence.That picture probably shows someone sitting straight up and a bright smile on their face.Just by changing your posture you can improve your emotional state.
5.Be Grateful.
Being in a state of gratefulness is another way to belt self-Confidence.Everyone ,no matter how bad their situation can find something to be grateful for in their lives.By being grateful and focusing on the good things in your life you can improve your outlook,spend some time every morning when you wake up being grateful for what you have and your whole day will better.
As you can see building self-confidence come down to your mind and how you think .Having all the self confidence you want is within you right now,if you just change the way you think.
Start today and use at least one of these tips and you will see and feel a difference in your life.
Most of the people who spend a life time on this planet spend their entire lives earning money and A luxurious life for themselves and their families while only handful of people out of the entire Population devote their lives not only to support their families but also to support those who can not Support themselves. One of these people was Sheikh Ata-ur-Rahman Sarwana. He began his journey with a mere dream of educating the youth Pakistan and hoping that this Service to mankind would help him ensure a small place in heaven. To fulfill his noble dream, he decided to build a mosque on the National Highway, but during its construction Sheikh Ata-ur-Rahman Sarwana departed from this world leaving behind two sonsSheikh Imtiaz-ur-Rahman Sarwana and Sheikh Sikander Rahman Sarwana to carry on his noble work. | |
One brick laid as the foundation of the Sunway Lagoon Water Park was gradually built into a wall and then from tremendous hard work came Sunway Lagoon Water Park itself, guaranteed as the best water park in Pakistan. While many people believe it to be a profit maximizing firm, in reality Sunway Lagoon was truly set up as a charitable organization has been saved to be used for the Construction of Sunway Lagoon Academy. Sunway Lagoon Academy was initially a dream of Sheikh Ata-ur-Rahman Sarwana but after him, his two sons have made it their first priority. It is being built with a clear vision to help mankind, to help those who can’t help themselves . It would provide the best education possible of the highest Standard to the poor children of Pakistan so that they may be able to secure a stable future for themselves and their families .The Academy would also serve as a hostel where the children would be able to live in a competitive environment which would prepare them for the real world. They would be able to deal with different kinds of people so that when the time comes for them to face the real world, they would be ready, the cost of each child’s education and his stay at the hostel would be entirely borne by the Academy itself. Just because ALLAH SUBHANAHO WATA ALA THE ALIMIGHTY blesses some people with more money than others, doesn’t mean that the less fortunate are inferior somehow. So to pave a straight path to heaven a well-off person should help the less fortunate.The people who set out to build the Academy are not looking for donations but they simply ask you to come and enjoy at Sunway Lagoon Water Park, which will contribute a little to make the lives of the needy much more stable and their futures secure. “HELP THOSE WHO CAN NOT HELP THEMSELVES” |
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